Even the Internet is the Devils way to sneak into your House so becareful.......
You might find Darth Plaugeis sitting next you in your living room....
now that's scarey!
all they want you to do is anything that will make you feel depressed..
Even the Internet is the Devils way to sneak into your House so becareful.......
You might find Darth Plaugeis sitting next you in your living room....
now that's scarey!
who could forget the longest title song... from Umagumma
several small furry creatures gathered together in a cave grooving with a pic.
he was an interesting presence on this board.
he had integral knowledge about bethel and the like.
i am an emotional guy too so i can kind of relate to why he left.. but, you gotta get thick skin on the forum.
Wasblind yeah I agree....
I think he was telling the Truth what happened.....
but he went NUTS!!!!
The Final Cut....
one of the best Albums Ever!!!!
And the Title sums it up.....
their last album as True Pink Floyd
See that's it I'm not some ........dick saying music sucks....
I've played guitar for many many years...........
And always knew the Great songs.....
Lady who who?????
R U FUKG SERIOUS?????????????
MEAT DRESS >>>>>>>>>>>>>
WHO FNG CArES????????
LOL i will say he was cool .........
but it was 20 yrs ago LOL!
I have to say my fav was one Darkside said many many months ago..........
I'm not a Doors freak ....but.........
how long where they around?
5 years or less????
Today name me a group/singer/ any FUC@@G band that can put that much...... GREAT MUSIC IN 5 YRS OR LESS!!!!!
Beatles 7 yrs!
Zeppelin 12 yrs!
Doors 5 Yrs!
the list goes on...
today MUSIC SUXS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radio is Dead
Hits are Dead!
Rock and Roll Is Dead!!!!!
Music today is ............
a JOKE!!!
so no
Doors are not Over rated!!!!
Listen to your justin bieber you inbreds!!!!!!!
Ok my fav was mentioned!
riders on the storm....
but the Doors ARE NOT OVER RATED!!!!!!!!!!!
Songs Speak For Them Selves....
So F U !
he was an interesting presence on this board.
he had integral knowledge about bethel and the like.
i am an emotional guy too so i can kind of relate to why he left.. but, you gotta get thick skin on the forum.
I felt for him at first......
then he was very aggressive to some Newbies...
Then he was almighty!
Then ..................
I lost intrest....
if he was real.... As I said Before ....I know how you feel!
If not .......
GROW SOME BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!